
1. Ensure you're logged into your MissionShift Internship Seeker account.

Step 1: Go to the Internship Section

1. Click the "Internships" tab in the top navigation bar to navigate to the internship listings page.

Step 2: Apply SkillBridge-Specific Filters

Once you're on the Internships page, you can use various filters to refine your search:

1. Industry: Choose the industry that aligns with your SkillBridge goals.
2. Keywords: Use specific keywords that relate to SkillBridge internships, like "SkillBridge," "Military Transition," etc. Add as many relevant keywords as possible.
3. Remote or On-Site: Specify if you are looking for a remote SkillBridge internship.
4. Location: Input the city, state, or postal code where you wish to work. We recommend using the postal code for the most accurate results.
5. Internship Type: Select the duration or type of SkillBridge internship you're interested in.
6. Time Frame: Filter internships based on when they were posted to find the most recent opportunities.

After applying these filters, the page will display SkillBridge internships that meet your criteria.

Step 3: Create Your SkillBridge Internship Alert

1. After you've applied the desired filters, click on "Create Internship Alert" at the top of the page.
2. Name Your Alert: Assign a meaningful title to your alert, like "SkillBridge Accounting Internships."

And that’s it! You'll receive notifications when new SkillBridge internships matching your criteria are listed.

Manage Your Internship Alerts

1. To view or manage your alerts, click on "My Account" in the top-right corner.
2. Go to "Manage My Account" and then click on "Internship Alerts."

   - Edit: Modify any of the alerts to change criteria or the alert name.
   - Delete: Remove alerts that are no longer relevant to you.

You can set up multiple alerts for different kinds of SkillBridge internships based on various criteria.

Congratulations! You've successfully set up your SkillBridge Internship Alerts on MissionShift. Stay proactive and seize the opportunities as they come. Good luck!